Welcome to Prime Care!

Pre Flight Briefing:

  • What happens in a new user’s body during a first LiveO2 session?
  • Why does the pulse oximeter reading drop on oxygen?
  • What does switching between high and low oxygen mixtures actually do?
  • Why do new users taste or smell odors during LiveO2 sessions?
  • When are new users ready to do more advanced protocols?

LiveO2 inventor Mark Squibb explains the sequence of events and unique physiology that occurs during your first LiveO2 sessions. This video narrates the physiology behind the sensations experienced by new users.


Oxygen Debt – is an oxygen deficit that occurs in tissues after prolonged loss of blood flow to tissues, usually caused by a stress event, injury, or illness.

Oxygen Debt Payback – occurs when the body has enough oxygen to revive dormant tissues which had previously been deprived of oxygen due to inhibited blood flow.

Tissue Dormancy – occurs when tissues stop working because they do not receive enough oxygen to make energy.

Tissue Degeneration – is what happens to dormant tissue as it degrades over time, eventually resulting in disease or tissue death, as necrosis.

Punch-through is the technique of simultaneous maximums in pulse pressure and plasma oxygen concentration at the capillary. This combination of high pressure and high oxygen blood plasma to overcome vascular flow obstructions.

Adaptive Contrast is the patented technology that uses alternating low and high oxygen air to open and then punch-through vascular choke effects caused by stress and injury to the vascular system.

Magic Moment is the moment of punch through that restores oxygen delivery to tissue.

Oxygen Gobble – occurs after punch through as tissues upstream of the pulse oximeter as tissue consumes large amounts of oxygen. This effect continues until the oxygen debt in upstream tissue is repaid. The pulse oximeter reading drops as blood oxygen is used up before the blood reaches the finger. that was accumulates when oxygen delivery is chronically compromised.

Initial Dipper – is the observation that many first-time LiveO2 users experience medically curious drops in pulse oximeter readings that normally correlate to weak or injured tissue. This effect is observable as drops in pulse oximeter readings on the same side as the injury or illness.

Toxin Wash Out – occurs when tissue waste that accumulated during Tissue Dormancy washes into the bloodstream.

Volatile Substance Detoxification is the wash-out effect when volatile substances trapped in tissue enter the blood and travel to the lungs. Volatile toxins like DEET, perfumes, gasoline, yeast, or other substances travel to the lungs and vent in expired air. These substances cause the users to sense a foul smells and tastes and are odors to nearby observers.